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    UCDscholarcast aimed at global audience

    By Noreen Bowden | June 15, 2009

    UCD has launched a new podcast service on Irish cultural topics. There are three series of UCDscholarcast available so far:

    1. The Art of Popular Culture
    2. Archaeologies of Art: Papers from the Sixth World Archaeological Congress
    3. Scholars Off the Page

    The podcasts are recorded in a studio and aimed at academics and others; the series also includes PDF transcripts of the podcasts, to facilitate citation in written academic work. Director PJ Mathews notes the series may be of interest to the Irish abroad.

    Just in time for Bloomsday, the latest podcast is Declan Kiberd, Professor of Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama at UCD, reading the closing chapter of his book “Ulysses and Us: The Art of Everyday Living”.

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