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    International Irish Diaspora Congress: Buenos Aires 15-19 June 2011

    Friday, September 10th, 2010

    The call for papers below came through on the Irish Diaspora Listserv. How exciting that the 90th anniversary of the Irish Race Congress in Buenos Aires will be commemorated in this way! That Congress was held in preparation for the International Congress of the Irish Race in Paris, and the Irish government sent envoys to Irish communities in South Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and the US seeking support for a Republic. [See a 1921 New York Times report on the Buenos Aires Congress.]

    It  was just one example of Ireland’s political globalisation in the early days of independence. As the originator of the idea of the Congress of the Irish Race, Thomas Hughes Kelly of New York, declared: ‘Ireland’s future is not limited to its geographic boundaries. She gave away to the world her strongest and most trustworthy sons. Now we compensate her with our support, which is the first offspring of that prolific seed’.

    But I digress – below is the call for papers. I’ll post up more info when I find out more.


    Buenos Aires (Argentina) — From 15th to 19th of June 2011.

    Official Notification: Presentation of Papers- 1st Call

    In June of 2011, the 1st International Irish Diaspora Congress will take
    in the City of Buenos Aires, exactly 90 years after a meeting of a
    similar nature took place in 1921. The principal objective of next
    year’s Congress is to stimulate cultural exchange and share experiences
    between Irish Associations and people.

    Each participating Institution is asked to give a brief account of
    current activities and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
    threats. Learning how the Irish Community has integrated into each
    specific Country-Destination will be of general interest, too.
    Participating individuals or Associations are invited to present
    speeches and/or lectures on the topic of cultural diversity of emigrants
    and their descendents.

    The Department of Irish Culture from the Universidad Nacional de La
    Plata (UNL) & the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales
    (UCES) will provide the academic framework for these expositions. The
    papers submitted for consideration must relate to any one of the
    following topics:

    – The Irish Diaspora
    – Literature and the Irish Emigrant (essays, short stories, novels, poetry)
    – History of Irish Emigration in each country
    – Fundraising for Irish Associations (experiences, tips)
    – Irish Education abroad
    – Irish Dance & Music (experiences)
    – Business and Work opportunities for Irish Descendents Abroad

    Those who are interested in participating must submit an abstract before
    February 1, 2011, written in English, of no more than 300 words, on any
    of the aforementioned topics.

    The proposals that are deemed adequate (given general interests and the
    length of the Congress) have until May 15, 2011 to send the paper in
    full to the Department’s inbox.

    The Academic Committee will be comprised of people with great knowledge
    on the subjects to be discussed, including professors from the UNL and
    the UCES.

    For more info: or

    11th Literature of Irish Exile Autumn School: Omagh, 16 October 2010

    Friday, September 10th, 2010

    Here’s a note from the Ulster-American Folk Park in Omagh on their most excellent annual summer school:

    Eleventh Literature of Irish Exile Autumn School: Saturday 16 October 2010

    If you don’t already have the date in your diary, we hope you may take a
    look at what is on offer and consider putting it there now:

    The day, Saturday 16 October, will have the usual shape of a keynote lecture
    in the morning in the Library of the Centre for Migration Studies; after
    lunch a guided walk in the outdoor museum of the Folk Park; and a concluding
    lecture and discussion in the Library.

    Dr Fred Freeman, our keynote lecturer, is based at Edinburgh University and
    an expert on Robert Tannahill (1774-1810), the Scottish weaver poet, hailed
    as a successor to Burns, whose bicentenary is being celebrated this year. We
    look forward to hearing about Tannahill’s spirited defence of Irish
    immigrant weavers in Scotland.

    The focus of the walk in the outdoor museum, growing out of Paddy
    Fitzgerald’s lecture this summer to the William Carleton Summer School, will
    be, with the help of Folk Park guide Walter McFarlane, on the role of
    hedge-schools in preparing migrants.

    Sean McCartan, one of our distinguished Irish Migration Studies graduates,
    received a signal honour this year in being invited to France to speak about
    his researches on the Irish ancestry of President de Gaulle. We look forward
    to finding out how he fits into the migration story of the McCartan family.

    We do hope you may be able to join us.

    Brian Lambkin

    Christine Johnston
    Senior Library Asst
    Centre for Migration Studies
    Ulster American Folk Park

    Tel: 028 8225 6315
    Fax: 028 8224 2241

    Screening the Irish in Britain: Trinity College Dublin, 26 Sept 09

    Thursday, August 20th, 2009

    The provisional schedule for “Screening the Irish in Britain”, a film conference being hosted at Trinity College Dublin on 26 September, has been announced.

    The conference is being held in the Samuel Beckett seminar room at the Samuel Beckett Centre.

    This project is supported by the Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub Research Initiative Funding Scheme, and there is no attendance fee.

    If you would like to be kept up to date with the project, please email your name to the project director, Dr Ruth Barton (

    Provisional Schedule

    9.15: Seminar opening

    Dr Marcus Free, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick:
    On the Edge: the Irish in Britain as a Troubled and Troubling Presence in the Work of Jimmy McGovern and Alan Bleasdale

    Dr Paula Gilligan, IADT:
    ‘Free Agents-mobile reflexive and white’; Representation of the
    ‘Professional’ Irish Women in Contemporary Popular English TelevisionDrama.

    Dr Pat Brereton, Dublin City University
    Fictional representations of the Irish in Contemporary British TV Drama: A case study of EastEnders [1997 special set in Ireland] and Father Ted et al.

    10.50�11.15: Coffee break

    Prof Charles Barr, University College Dublin
    Ealing’s View of Ireland

    Daniel Fitzpatrick
    Reexamining Sister Clodagh’s ‘Irishness’ in Black Narcissus (1947)

    Dr Lance Pettitt, Leeds Metropolitan University:
    Between Archive and Anecdote: Towards an Exilic History of Irish Cinema in England

    1.15�2.15 – Lunch break

    Prof John Hill, Royal Holloway, University of London
    The Irish and Working-class ‘Authenticity’ in the films of Ken Loach

    Prof Bronwen Walter, Anglia Ruskin University
    Including the Irish: taken-for-granted representations of the Irish in England

    Prof Martin McLoone, University of Ulster
    Why Didn’t Kevin Keegan play for Ireland? Contrasting Narratives of the Irish in Britain

    3.35�3.55: Coffee Break

    3.55 – 5.15
    Zélie Asava, University College Dublin
    ‘No blacks, no dogs, no Irish’: being black and Irish in Neil Jordan’s Britain

    Emmie McFadden, Sheffield Hallam University,
    Hyde and Seek: English-Irish Hybridity in Stephen Frears’ Mary Reilly

    Padraic Killeen, Trinity College Dublin
    Stained Flesh – Ireland As Idyll / Damp Patch in Mike Leigh’s Naked

    Deirdre Lynch, Dublin Institute of Technology:
    ‘ReConfiguring Elderly Male Irish Immigrants in London through
    Ethnographic Film Practice’

    Screening: I Only Came Over for a Couple of Years… (2003)
    Dir: David Kelly, Prod: Tony Murray
    This film will be introduced by Dr Tony Murray, London Metropolitan University

    Visit related websites:

    Screening the Irish in Britain: TCD, Dublin; Sept 2009

    Saturday, July 18th, 2009

    The Department of Film Studies at Trinity College in Dublin has announced the the launch of the “Screening the Irish in Britain” research project. The project complements the established “Screening Irish-America”. The project has been initiated to research and analyse screen images of the Irish in Britain, both historically and in the present, including images in film, television and the internet.

    Organisers have issued a call for papers for an upcoming conference:

    We invite interested academics to participate in a symposium/workshop to be held at Trinity College Dublin on Saturday 26 September 2009. Speakers
    confirmed to date include:

    • Professor John Hill (Royal Holloway, University of London)
    • Dr Lance Pettitt (Leeds Metropolitan University)

    We welcome interdisciplinary and subject-specific approaches and hope to
    develop a dialogue between this topic and other topics associated with Irish
    diaspora studies.

    Proposals should be limited to around 200 words and be accompanied by brief biographical details.

    If you would like to be kept up to date with the project, please email your
    name to the project director, Dr Ruth Barton (

    All proposals should be sent to

    This project is supported by the Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub
    Research Initiative Funding Scheme.

    Visit related website:

    International Conference on Diaspora and Development. World Bank, Washington DC: July 13-14 2009

    Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

    From the World Bank:

    The Migration and Remittances team of the Development Economics Prospects Group and the Migration Working Group of the World Bank are organizing an International Conference on Diaspora and Development on July 13-14, 2009.

    The diaspora of developing countries can be a potent force for development for their countries of origin, through remittances, but more importantly, through the promotion of trade, investments, knowledge and technology transfers. The conference aims to consolidate research and evidence on these issues with a view to formulating policies in both sending and receiving countries.

    The Keynote session will focus on the “Impact of the Crisis on Migration and Remittances”, while there will be other sessions on

    • Diaspora as a strategy for the global mobility of skills
    • Contributions of unskilled diaspora to development
    • Mobilising diaspora investments
    • Deepening diaspora ties
    • Mobilising highly-skilled diaspora
    • Working with diaspora and diaspora associations
    • Diaspora actions
    • Collective remittances: country experiences
    • Circular migration and returns

    The agenda notes there will be an (unnamed) representative from Ireland speaking as part of the panel discussion on diaspora ties.

    Visit Conference website.

    GAA conference: Croke Park, Dublin – 25 April

    Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

    The GAA in the Diaspora is one of the topics that will be discussed in an upcoming conference at Croke Park. The conference is part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of the organisation, and is being co-hosted by the GAA Museum, Sports History Ireland and the Boston College-Dublin’s GAA Oral History Project.

    The conference will feature historians of society and sport from Ireland and overseas. In addition to the diaspora, they will discuss such topics as hurling’s ancient roots, the socio-economic background of players, the GAA in film and photography, the GAA and the Irish language, and the GAA and politics.

    The conference will be held at the GAA Museum in Croke Park. Tickets, which cost 15 euro (10 for students and seniors) are essential.

    For more information:

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