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    Sign the #NoHome2Vote petition!

    By Noreen Bowden | February 22, 2016


    Uplift has started a petition and social media campaign to support emigrant voting rights ahead of Friday’s general election. Sign it on their website,

    Noting that 1 in 6 Irish voters won’t be able to cast their vote because they’re living overseas, they say “#Uplift has teamed up with organisations fighting for the rights of Irish emigrants across the world to make sure that the next government promises this will be last election so many Irish people are barred from voting.”

    They note the excitement over emigrant participation in last year’s referendum on equal marriage, and yet Ireland remains one of three countries in the EU that denies citizens abroad the right to vote:

    Together we can use this election to force voting rights for emigrants onto the agenda of a new government and turn promises into real action.

    The first step is to gather as many voices as possible over the coming week and to make sure both voters and candidates feel the strength of our voice the day before the election. This is the day political parties and candidates are not allowed on the airwaves so it’s a perfect moment for us to flood social media with a message from Irish emigrants living in every corner of the world. We have a great chance of making sure voting rights for emigrants gets on the table when the new government sits down to plan the next few years.

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