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    Returning emigrants exempt from home-building rules

    Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

    Returning emigrants will be exempt from Donegal County Council rules aimed at limiting the number of holiday homes in the county, according to the Irish Independent. The paper reports that the new 2006-2012 County Development Plan requires home buyers about to purchase a house in one of the county’s 1,500 townlands where holiday homes comprise more than 20% of housing stock must sign a contract pledging to live in the house for seven years. Exceptions are being proposed for returning emigrants and accommodation proposed as part of an overall tourism package.

    RTE’s Morning Ireland featured a story on Australi…

    Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

    RTE’s Morning Ireland featured a story on Australia’s changes to its “Working Holiday� and “Work and Holiday� visa programme. Ireland has the third-highest proportion of participants in the programme, behind the UK and South Korea, with 12,500 to 13,000 a year. The main change is that now participants on the programme can work six months with each employer, up from the former three-month limit. The seasonal work for second“Working Holiday� visa applicants has been expanded to include plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, and tree farming and felling.
    More information is available at
    More information on the changes is available at:

    J1ers report problems

    Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

    Siobhan Dennehy of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center in New York was interviewed on Ryan Tubridy about problems facing this year’s J-1 programme participants as well as the services offered by the EIIC. She noted her belief that the organisations operating the visa programme could be more pro-active in offering advice to the students before their arrival in the US.
    Ryan Tubridy also spoke to a J-1 participant living in Yonkers who spoke of his difficulties in finding a job. He plans on returning home to Ireland after only six weeks because his job search has been fruitless.

    Minister invites emigrants home at FAS NY event

    Wednesday, January 25th, 2006

    Minister of State for Labour Tony Killeen spoke at the launch of the FAS Jobs Ireland New York event. He gave a background of Irish emigration and told the story of Ireland’s economic success in recent decades. He declared:

    If you are an Irish person who emigrated to the United States ten or fifteen years ago you will find that the Ireland of today is dramatically different from the country you left. To Irish people who are thinking of returning to Ireland we say: Now is the time to come home. Instead of the depressed country you left behind you will find instead a wide range of jobs and opportunities. There has never been a better time to live and work in Ireland.

    His entire speech is on the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment’s website.

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