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    Bishop urges diaspora to welcome newcomers

    Thursday, March 19th, 2009

    In his St Patrick’s Day message, Bishop Séamus Hegarty, Bishop of Derry and Chair of the Bishops’ Council for Emigrants, has urged the Irish Diaspora to assist those who may be leaving Ireland to escape the economic downturn.

    Here is the entire text of his comments:

    Guím beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh uilig. On this, the Feast of our National Apostle, I send warm greetings to Irish people at home and abroad and to all those who join in the celebration of our national feast, including the many immigrants to our own shores.  Saint Patrick first encountered Ireland as a migrant. Thus, it is fitting that on the Feast of our National Patron, we again seek to highlight the needs of the many Irish emigrants spread throughout the world.

    Article 2 of our Constitution, Bunreacht na hÉireann, rightly states that ‘The Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage.’

    The Irish Episcopal Council for Emigrants (IECE) has, for over fifty years, sought to provide pastoral support to our emigrants and in cooperation with our many apostolates, sister organisations and volunteers will continue to do so.

    As a consequence of the current downturn in the economy, increasing numbers of Irish men and women are again leaving our shores in the hope of making a new life for themselves and their families. For many, this can be a difficult journey to make and so at this time of increasing outward migration, I urge the Irish Diaspora to continue to work together in the spirit of charity and compassion to ensure the welfare of all Irish emigrants.

    Today we remember in a special way those Irish emigrants whose journey has been a difficult one. We are especially mindful of the elderly Irish in Britain and our undocumented in the United States. IECE continues to highlight the longstanding problems facing generations of Irish emigrants. The outreach services provided to emigrants, pioneered by priests, religious and supportive lay people over many years, continue to expand and are truly in keeping with Gospel values.

    On this Saint Patrick’s Day, I am reminded of the words of our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI who, in this the year of Saint Paul invites us to:

    ‘love to the full without making any kind of distinction and without discrimination, in the conviction that any one who needs us and whom we can help is our neighbour (cf. Deus Caritas Est, n. 15). May the teaching and example of St Paul, a great and humble Apostle and a migrant, an evangelizer of peoples and cultures, spur us to understand that the exercise of charity is the culmination and synthesis of the whole of Christian life.’[1]

    It is also important on this day that we, as a society, recognise the difficulties faced by those who have come to this country seeking to make Ireland their home. I hope that they will receive the same ceád míle fáilte that we would wish for our own emigrants. The newly established Bishops’ Commission for the Care of Migrants, incorporating the Irish Episcopal Council for Emigrants and more recently the Irish Episcopal Council for Immigrants, will endeavour to support and give voice to the worries and concerns of those who wish to make Ireland their home.

    On this day too it is important to highlight an especially vulnerable group of emigrants – Irish people imprisoned overseas. The Bishops’ Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (ICPO), under the auspices of the Irish Episcopal Council for Emigrants, continues to work tirelessly on their behalf. ICPO provide support to over 420 Irish people imprisoned throughout the world. While the majority are imprisoned in Britain, others are located in Europe, the Americas, Australia and Africa. Thirty four new cases were received by ICPO in the period November 2008 to January 2009. This equates to one person every three days.

    The 2007 Report on Irish Prisoners Abroad prepared by Mr. Chris Flood provides an excellent synopsis of the many difficulties faced by Irish prisoners and their families. While considerable progress has been made, it is imperative that the remaining recommendations contained within the Flood Report are urgently implemented. The ICPO is committed to securing their introduction and will continue to work with the Department of Foreign Affairs and others to secure their implementation.

    “May the Virgin Mother, who together with her Blessed Son knew the pain of emigration and exile, help us to understand the experience, and very often the drama, of those who are compelled to live far from their homeland, and teach us to serve them in their necessities, truly accepting them as brothers and sisters, so that today’s migrations may be considered a call, albeit a mysterious one, to the Kingdom of God, which is already present in His Church, its beginning (cf. LG 9), and an instrument of Providence to further the unity of the human family and peace�. (Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi)

    [1] MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI FOR THE 95th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES (2009) Theme: St Paul migrant, ‘Apostle of the peoples’.

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    Taoiseach launches strategic review of Irish-US relations

    Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

    Taoiseach Brian Cowan has launched a major review of Ireland-US relations entitled “Ireland and America: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Context”. The report was initiated following a visit by the Taoiseach to New York last year. It is the first significant review of diplomatic relations with the United States since the 1930s.

    The report is an ambitious one, setting out the following key objectives:

    • A revitalised relationship between Ireland and the United States, shaped to meet the challenges of a new era
    • A strong and mutually beneficial economic partnership
    • A deep and enduring engagement with the Irish diaspora in the US
    • A vibrant Irish community with new possibilities for young people to work, gain experience and live in the United States
    • A strong partnership with the Irish American community and with US authorities in caring for the ‘forgotten Irish’
    • Continued strong partnership with US Administration and Congress in support of the peace process and the Good Friday Agreement

    The Taoiseach has outlined a number of key initiatives:

    • a new Ireland-US Strategic Policy Group, chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, which will oversee implementation and report directly to the Taoiseach
    • A new Irish American Leadership Council
    • Extended diplomatic representation in the US, with, in the first instance, a new Consulate in Atlanta, GA and later in Houston, TX
      Expansion of the Honorary Consul network
    • Development and expansion of business networks to support Irish jobs and take advantage of new economic opportunities
    • A reinforcement of the Embassy’s capacity to promote economic relations
    • Development of bilateral dialogue foreign policy dialogue with the US on issues ranging from development assistance, human rights, disarmament and non-proliferation to conflict resolution
    • Develop targeted engagement with individual US states
    • Development of Ireland-US bilateral visa arrangements with a new reciprocal and renewable 2-year working visa arrangement, a reenergised J1 visa programme and a long term solution for the undocumented
    • encouragement of new online links for Irish communities and the wider diaspora in the US
    • A new certificate of Irish ancestry for Americans seeking formal acknowledgement of their Irish roots
    • A fast-track naturalisation regime for those with Irish great-grandparents who have studied in Ireland
    • Improved on-line access to genealogical records
    • Annual arrangements to commemorate the Famine in the US
    • A new leadership development programme to connect emerging leaders in US with counterparts in Ireland
    • Improved coordination of activities by Irish universities and Higher Education institutes
    • Expanded internship programme for US students with reciprocal placements for Irish students
    • Enhanced secondary school linkages and the development of curriculum materials in both the US and Ireland
    • Support for growing Irish studies programmes and development of an annual Summer School focussing on aspects of the Irish story in America
    • Officer exchange programme between the US State Department and Department of Foreign Affairs
    • A dedicated education officer in the Embassy in Washington
    • A series of high-profile Irish cultural events in 2011
    • Investment in existing Irish-American cultural infrastructure, especially in New York.

    Download the review.

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    New Irish-American website launches

    Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

    The publisher of New York’s Irish Voice newspaper and Irish-America magazine has launched a new website aimed at the diaspora.

    The New York Times says of the venture, “The new site includes genealogy information, top tourist spots in Ireland, breaking news and breaking fluff. Its target audience is the Irish diaspora, which numbers 36.5 million in the United States, more than eight times the population of Ireland.”

    While the site claims to be the first global Irish website, there is little ground for the assertion. Numerous other other sites such as,, and the now-defunct and have also been aimed at the global Irish community. (I worked on two of these: and

    Publisher Niall O’Dowd has gathered $2.4 million in investments and advertising commitments. Backers of the site include a number of prominent Irish-American business executives.

    O’Dowd has been a prominent spokesperson in Irish-American affairs, and was the organiser of the first US-Ireland Forum held in New York in November 2007. He recently stepped down as chair of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform.

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    News report highlights costs of emigration

    Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

    The Irish Independent has run a feature story on the costs associated with emigration, highlighting the visa fees and associated costs.

    It reports, for example, that the General Skilled Migration programme to Australia costs over €5,000 for the visa, for example, while Canada requires that a would-be emigrant show they have at least CA$10,833 (about €6,717) to support themselves while looking for a job.

    Read the entire article at the Irish Independent website: If you want to escape, it will cost you.

    For more advice and information on migrating, check out our “Need Advice?” section.

    Radio reports focus on emigrant destinations

    Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

    RTE reporter Cian McCormack has done a four-part series on the station’s Morning Ireland radio show covering emigration to the US, Australia, Britain and Canada.

    To listen, visit RTE’s archives:

    US-based tech leaders support Irish business

    Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

    The Irish Technology Leadership group, a San Francisco-based group of technology executives, are eager to lend their support to Ireland’s economy, according to an article in

    John Hartnett, the group’s chair, told the publication that the Irish abroad can play a key role in dealing with the current economic crisis:

    “It’s not just an Irish problem; it’s a  worldwide problem. Ireland needs to reach out to each part of the diaspora that can help it to be successful.”

    The ITLGis comprised of 500 members, all at executive and CEO level. The group is hosting an event in Silicon Valley this month that will bring six firms selected at its “Siclicon Valley comes to Ireland” event in November to meet with senior executives from US-based businesses.

    The ITLG is working with the IDA and Invest NI to better compete in Silicon Valley. The article says:

    Ireland is going to have to compete in a different way. The first thing is to get the brand right,” he argues, by positioning Ireland as a high-value country and an innovator on the leading edge of technology.”Inward investment is hugely imporant, but we must stand on two legs and make Irish companies multi-million firms. Israel ahs 66 companise listed on Nasdaq; Ireland has four. We have got to be able to compete up the food chain and up the value chain. “

    Hartnett also says that the group is encouraging Irish politicians to meet with industry leaders in the valley, and assisting government and educational institutions to understand how to innovate and win business more successfully.

    The ITLG is hosting its Silicon Valley Awards 2009 ceremony on 14 April at Stanford University in California, with Tanaiste Mary Coughlan as keynote speaker.

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