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    Can digital radio help emigrants keep in touch?

    By admin | November 27, 2006

    Digital Radio Mondiale technology would allow the transmission of RTÉ radio into Britain and through much of Europe. Éan member Enda O’Kane has been working with the research group Irish Overseas Broadcasting as part of his efforts to improve Ireland’s radio links with our emigrants.

    Enda says:

    Global coverage short wave has always been plagued with fading crackles and pops and was the traditional link with home for many. Digital Radio Mondiale is new, and gives the benefits of FM quality to short, medium and longwave bands.
    DRM would allow Ireland, for the first time, to deliver and FM-like sound over the European continent, by bypassing expensive satellite systems.

    It will also allow RTE to broadcast Radio 1 in almost-FM quality over most of the UK using Longwave 252 to a new generation of radios now available.

    Environmentally friendly DRM uses only half the energy of existing AM transmitters, having a minimum impact on atmospheric pollution.

    The UK’s BBC and broadcasters in Germany, Holland, France, Sweden and the Vatican are just some of the DRM stations now beaming across Europe.

    DRM is very attractive to small countries such as Ireland. It is cheap, does not need a satellite dish and avoids the control of a satellite “gate keeper”. Motorists and listeners with portables can easily keep in touch with home.

    A DRM demonstration was well-received at the recent Over-50s Exhibition at the RDS in Dublin.

    Simple-to-use DRM radios are now on the market in Germany from €199 plus shipping to many countries.

    These Morphy Richards and Sangean models can be purchased directly over the web:

    Here are links to a number of articles about the new technology:

    Signalling a new era for Irish radio reception in Europe
    RTE’s Digital Radio Scheme: Why it can’t replace FM for special-interest or remote audiences
    Digital TV and Radio – an excerpt from a Consumer Choice article by John Cradden
    RTE’s Digital Radio, an unworthy successor to FM

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