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    FAS NY event a success

    By admin | October 25, 2006

    The Irish jobs fair being held by Fás in Manhattan on October 20 and 21 turned out to be a success, with about 6,500 attendees, double the expected turnout. Exhibitors included the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, the Revenue Commissioners, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Health and Children, the Department of Social and Family Affairs, and the Department of Education and Science. It also included the Western Development Commission, Enterprise Ireland, VHI Healthcare, and the Public Appointments Service, among others. Éan member Safe Home also exhibited. The exhibition, initially aimed at undocumented immigrants but which attracted a far wider audience, gave information on such issues as taxation, healthcare, employment rights, education and visas and permits.

    The event attracted the attention of the New York Times, which noted that many American citizens were drawn by the lure of Ireland’s booming economy. The report also noted that nearly three times more Americans moved to Ireland last year than Irish moved to the United States: 4,300 Americans on the move vs 1,700 Irish in 2005.

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