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    Irish Times publishes letter on voting rights

    By Noreen Bowden | October 23, 2007

    The Irish Times has published a letter today from Ean regarding emigrant voting rights. The letter was written in light of media coverage of Polish residents of Ireland exercising their right to vote in the Polish elections. It reads:

    Emigrants’ voting rights

    Madam – Your coverage of Polish citizens living in Ireland lining up to vote in their country’s election is a powerful reminder of the importance that migrants place on this link with their native country.

    It also highlights the fact that Ireland is one of a small and shrinking number of developed nations that do not give overseas citizens anyvoice in the political process.

    Nearly 100 countries have overcome the logistical and political hurdles involved in granting emigrants voting rights. Ireland’s stance on the issue is out of step with our technological and globalised world. – Yours, etc,

    Ean – Emigrant Advice Network,
    Carmichael House,
    North Brunswick Street,
    Dublin 7.

    Topics: Latest News, voting rights | 3 Comments »

    3 Responses to “Irish Times publishes letter on voting rights”

    1. patrick broadbery Says:
      October 28th, 2007 at 7:21 pm

      living outside ireland for many years I feel like a second class citizen as I cannot vote in ireland

    2. Political participation by the Irish abroad – Irish Times | – about Irish emigration and the diaspora Says:
      November 14th, 2009 at 1:50 pm

      […] Factsheet on emigrant voting […]

    3. Bob Quinn Says:
      July 23rd, 2010 at 12:45 pm

      The following is the text of a letter which I have sent to the Irish Times and the Irish Examiner:

      Dear Sir,
      As it is now agreed 1/ that political and administrative corruption rots (our) society from the inside 2/ that root and branch reform is needed and 3/ that we should look to the Irish diaspora (viz. Farmleigh) for help with our problems I suggest the following:
      Take our courage in our hands and follow the example of Australia, the USA and Britain et al. and extend the voting franchise to our emigrants. They have been so far denied this right precisely because their vote can certainly not be bought and must effect a sea change in our cosy, nepotistic, self-interested and failed political system.
      Bob Quinn
      Tuairín , Béal an Daingin, Conamara.