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    Emigrated between 1975 and 1995? Researcher seeks you

    By Noreen Bowden | March 31, 2009

    I’ve had a request from a graduate student seeking information from Irish people who emigrated to the US between 1975 and 1995.  Here is the information:

    Survey for Irish emigrants to the United States between 1975 and 1995

    Thank you for taking the time to do this survey; it will be an invaluable source for my term paper.

    I am collecting these surveys only for use on my term paper for Alan Kraut’s spring 2009 Immigration and Ethnicity class at American University in Washington D.C. They will not be used for any other purpose and at no point will the name of the respondent be associated with their response. Feel free to skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering, or email for a clarification at

    If at all possible please return your survey to me via email (an attachment, or in the body of the email either is fine) by April 4, 2009.

    Once again thank you very much for taking the time to do this survey

    Emma Lang

    Basic Information

    Age at time of emigration:


    Education level at time of emigration:

    Year of emigration:

    Did you come to the U.S. legally and/or did you obtain a visa either before or after you arrived?

    Number of years spent in the United States (please note here if you have settled permanently in the U.S.):

    Hometown and county in Ireland:

    Destination in the United States (If possible if you moved to a large city please tell me what neighborhood or area):

    If you lived in multiple cities in North America between when you emigrated and 1995 please list them here:

    On average how many times a year did you go back to Ireland (I know this is a complicated question due to the rapidly changing visa policies so you are welcome to give an explanation)

    Your story

    (please feel free to write as much as you want in response to these questions, since I’m not surveying a statistically significant number of folks I really just want your stories so I can understand the what it was like to move from Ireland to the United States during this time period)

    Why did you decide to emigrate and why did you choose the United States as your destination?

    What types of jobs did you work at between your arrival and 1995?

    Did you connect up with family or friends already living in the United States? If so, how long had they been living in U.S.?

    Did you join or participate in events of any Irish organizations such as the Ancient Order of Hibernians or county organizations or other groups (including the church or sports teams)?

    Did you join or participate in events of organizations aimed at new immigrants such as the Irish Immigrant Reform Movement (IIRM) or groups aimed at helping to adjust to live in America?

    How would you describe your relationship with the Irish American Community? If you are still living in the United States has the answer changed?

    Anything else you think I should know or be sure to include in my paper?

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