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    First history of Irish in Vermont published

    By Noreen Bowden | January 11, 2010

    The first-ever book on the history of the Irish in Vermont has been published, authored by historian Vincent E. Feeney. “Finnigans, Slaters and Stonepeggers: A History of the Irish in Vermont,” examines the Irish experience in the state from the 1760s through the twentieth century.

    Feeney says the Irish stayed in their ethnic ghetto for over a century, before the community assimilated in the later years of the twentieth century. The Times-Argus carriesĀ a review.

    (Images From the Past, 2009, 250 pages, $19.95 paperback)

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    One Response to “First history of Irish in Vermont published”

    1. First Irish history of Missouri available on audio download | – about Irish emigration and the diaspora Says:
      February 3rd, 2010 at 4:19 pm

      […] my post mentioning the first history ever written on the Irish of Vermont, I received a note from Mike O’Laughlin, an accomplished Irish-American genealogist and […]