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    DRM samples show reach across Europe

    Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

    Ean believes that radio is an essential component of Ireland’s communication strategy with the Irish abroad. Looking toward the future, digital radio provides the most cost-effective and efficient option for reaching emigrants and Irish citizens in Britain and throughout Europe.

    RTE has been testing the DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) format. The following recordings show the potential of DRM technology for long-distance transmissions to Europe.

    Sample 1: Muenster, Germany

    The following recordings were made in August 2007, as RTE broadcast a DRM signal on its longwave 252 transmitter. These recordings were made in Muenster, Germany.

    (MP3 audio will play in an external media player and may take some time to download)

    Sample 2: Radlett, North London

    This DRM transmission was also via RTE LW 252. This recording was made near Radlett, North London in the UK.
    Recording 1

    The clear sound of these samples across the miles

    For more information on DRM, visit the DRM Consortium website at

    Letter highlights MW problems in North

    Thursday, March 20th, 2008

    A letter to the Irish Times highlights the fact that there are problems with the reception of RTE on FM. RTE switched Radio 1 with Lyric FM on the FM dial last week, in an effort to resolve concerns among Northern listeners about the shutdown of medium wave.

    The letter says:

    Madam, – The report in your edition of March 18th on next week’s planned closure of the RTÉ Radio 1 service on medium wave focused on the effect on Irish emigrants in Britain.

    I would like to add the voice of a Northern Ireland resident to the clamour of opposition. Most radios sold today do not have long wave, and sitting by the computer to listen to radio is not ideal or always practical.

    Last week RTÉ was trumpeting its solution for Northern Ireland residents – an FM frequency swap which would reach listeners in Belfast and elsewhere and allow us happily to switch from medium wave. The new service started on Friday.

    I eagerly searched for it on all four FM radio receivers in my home. Nothing. The medium-wave signal, however, came through as before – a bit crackly, and not really clear enough for listening to music, but perfectly adequate for speech. I went for a drive around Belfast. The FM signal cut in and out at various points around the city; when it was present, it was inferior to the medium wave broadcast.

    I drove south, towards the transmitter. Only after I passed Sprucefield, more than 10 miles south of Belfast, could the signal be said to be reliable and acceptable.

    I noted from the Irish Newsover the weekend that listeners in the Glens of Antrim, who had been eagerly anticipating the new FM service, were also bitterly disappointed with what was delivered.

    Next Sunday I will listen to Sunday Miscellany – for the last time if the current proposals are implemented. RTÉ’s promises to Northern Ireland residents, which were welcomed by us all just a few days ago, have been shown to be empty, hollow words.

    Surely this is precisely not the time for RTÉ to diminish its service to Northern Ireland. – Yours, etc,

    Kensington Gardens,

    See the letter on
    See a scanned version of the letter.

    Bishop calls for action on overseas prisoners

    Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

    Bishop Seamus Hegarty has called for the Government to implement the recommendations contained in the Report on Irish Prisoners Abroad, which was launched in August 2007.  The request was contained in the bishop’s St Patrick’s Day message; Bishop Hegarty is Bishop of Derry and Chair of the Bishops’ Council for Emigrants.

    He says the publication of the Report on Irish Prisoners Abroad had been welcomed by the Commission for Emigrants. He adds:

    This Report, the first of its kind commissioned by the Government and prepared by Chris Flood, is a timely reminder of the problems faced by Irish prisoners abroad and their families. The Report, as well as containing important statistical information, provides a disturbing snapshot of the conditions, problems and issues faced by prisoners and their families. It also contains a number of practical recommendations which, if implemented, would go a long way towards addressing these concerns.

    The Bishops’ Council for Emigrants now calls on the Government to renew its commitment to prisoners abroad and their families by implementing, in full, these recommendations and doing all it can to alleviate the anxiety and hardship experienced by this most vulnerable group of emigrants and their families. This work was undertaken as a result of a promise in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness to undertake research to identify the number of Irish prisoners abroad and their needs for services in prison (Ireland, 2000).

    Bishop Hegarty also says that Ireland should serve as an international model on migration issues:

    As more and more people migrate, the work of organizations – such as the Bishops’ Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas – will serve as a template to nations as they face the multi-faceted challenges posed by migration. It is only right that Ireland establishes itself as an international leader with regard to services and supports for citizens abroad.

    Read the full statement on the Catholic Communications website.

    See the Report on Irish Prisoners Overseas.

    Irish Times reports on call for postponement of RTE shutdown

    Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

    The Irish Times has reported on Ean’s call for the shutdown of RTE’s medium wave service to be postponed.

    Ean has been joined in the campaign by Age Action, who say that “older people are not properly prepared for the closing down of the medium wave band”.

    Here is the text of the article from

    You can also see this article as an image.

    RTÉ urged not to abandon medium wave


    THERE HAS been strong opposition to a decision by RTÉ to drop its medium wave radio service by groups representing the elderly and Irish emigrants in Britain.

    Next Monday RTÉ will shut down its medium wave broadcasts of Radio 1. Users will then have to switch to FM, long wave, satellite or the internet.

    The Emigrant Advice Network (EAN), which works on behalf of Irish emigrants, said in a statement that radio was “crucial for communications with the Irish abroad, and provision for radio broadcasting to Irish communities outside the island of Ireland was included in last year’s Broadcasting Bill”.

    Calling on RTÉ to postpone its decision until a long-term solution was found, it said the proposed shutdown was “a reversal of recent trends in which Ireland has acknowledged its debt to the Irish abroad, and the need for maintaining strong links.” It said medium wave and long wave were complementary solutions for the Irish abroad as “long wave on its own is inadequate and presents problems for the future”.

    Dropping medium wave was “a step backward in our relationship with the Irish abroad”.

    It pointed out that last year’s broadcasting legislation allowed for licence money to be spent on radio broadcasting for the Irish abroad.

    “The shutdown of a service valued by the Irish abroad, and RTÉ’s refusal to help older Irish emigrants with a voucher scheme similar to the one it says it will adopt for older people here, seems contradictory to the spirit of last year’s legislation,” it said.

    RTÉ maintains that just 10 per cent of listeners use the medium wave service.

    It also says that it will save more than €1 million by switching it off.

    However, Enda O’Kane, a former RTÉ employee who has been campaigning on the issue for several months, said the costs quoted by the national broadcaster are based on old energy inefficient technology.

    He said a replacement transmitter would slash broadcasting costs and would also be capable of broadcasting a new form of digital transmission known as DRM.

    This is being tipped by many experts as the future of digital broadcasting. “For a mere €4 million, the former Athlone medium wave site could be adapted to digital short wave and so provide a service to our citizens across the EU,” Mr O’Kane said.

    “Satellite services that are currently in use by RTÉ are vulnerable to external influences and now require payment of a fee.”

    Meanwhile, Age Action has said it was “concerned that many older people are not properly prepared for the closing down of the medium wave band.

    The migration of programmes from the medium wave to long wave may well mean that many older listeners will no longer be able to enjoy their programmes.”

    In a statement it continued, “we know, for example, that many older people like to listen to Mass and religious services on medium wave, and this will be a particular loss to them if they do not have long wave or cannot tune their radios to it.”

    © 2008 The Irish Times

    Irish Times carries letter from Éan

    Monday, March 10th, 2008

    The Irish Times has carried a letter from Éan on the issue of RTÉ’s medium-wave shutdown. Here is the text:

    Madam, – Your report on the launch of RTÉ’s upcoming television documentary series, “The Importance of Being Irish”, is not without irony. As RTÉ television celebrates the diaspora, RTÉ radio is turning its back on listeners overseas. On March 24th, RTÉ will shut down its medium wave broadcast of Radio 1; RTÉ says the Irish abroad who want to continue listening can switch to longwave, satellite or the internet – inadequate solutions for the oldest and most vulnerable listeners, who are the ones most likely to cherish this vital link with home.

    Neither medium-wave nor long-wave are perfect solutions for the Irish radio listener abroad – they each have their limitations, but together they allow for reasonably good penetration throughout Britain and into near Europe. Medium wave is the simplest solution for most of those living outside of London, because it provides a clear signal on an easily accessible format. Longwave on its own is inadequate: RTÉ acknowledges that long-wave is unavailable to most people abroad at night, due to significant interference from other stations.

    We believe the long-term solution lies in digital radio – specifically the long-range DRM format, which RTÉ has already begun testing. Cutting off medium wave before this solution is available is premature.

    RTÉ, which says it will save one million euro with this move, claims it does not have the resources to assist even the most vulnerable elderly among the Irish abroad in making the transition to longwave, as it is doing in the Republic.

    Since the publication of the Task Force Report on Emigration in 2002, Ireland has made tremendous strides in its relationship with the Irish abroad. The report recognised radio as a crucial link with home for the Irish abroad, and just last year, legislation was passed allowing for license fees to be spent on broadcasting radio to the Irish abroad. RTÉ’s actions are contradictory to both the spirit of that legislation and government efforts to enhance our relationship with our overseas citizens.

    RTÉ can do more than just celebrate our diaspora. It has the power to strengthen our links with the Irish abroad. Instead, it is severing them, and in so doing cutting off the generation to which Ireland owes a tremendous debt.

    Yours etc,

    Director – Emigrant Advice Network,
    North Brunswick St,
    Dublin 7.

    See the letter on the site at

    Website collects Irish-American stories

    Thursday, March 6th, 2008

    The stories of Irish-Americans are being collected online in an innovative project set up by a Dublin man who formerly lived in New York.

    Brian Reynolds says he set up to preserve the experiences of the last 150 years of Irish emigration to America.  He told the Irish Voice that it was when he was living in New York that he first began to appreciate the power of stories among the Irish-Americans there.

    He is welcoming stories about any aspect of the Irish-American experience – and will accept stories by post, so the project is not confined to those who can use the Internet.

    Visit the website at

     See the story in the Irish Voice.

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